Artists included in the exhibition:
Ricci Albenda Richard Artschwager Donald Baechler John Baldessari Matthew Barney Ford Beckman Lynn Davis Willem de Kooning Susan Derges Barbara Ess Adam Fuss |
Robert Gober Nan Goldin April Gornik Jenny Holzer Alfredo Jaar Neil Jenney Jasper Johns Ellsworth Kelly Jon Kessler Joseph Kosuth Barbara Kruger |
Annette Lemieux Glenn Ligon Vera Lutter Edward Mapplethorpe Agnes Martin James Meyer Shirin Neshat Georgia O'Keeffe Tom Otterness Martin Puryear Susan Rothenberg |
Ed Ruscha Andres Serrano Lorna Simpson Kiki Smith Mark Tansey Al Taylor Cy Twombly Andy Warhol Terry Winters Daisy Youngblood |
Visual Conversations: Selections from the Collection September 28 – December 31, 2012
Exhibition checklists (PDF formats)
First floor checklist | Second floor checklist | Third floor checklist | Lobby, library & stairwell checklist
Conference room checklist